How to use DHT11 sensor

DHT11 project

DHT11 is a four(4) pin sensor for measuring temperature and humidity. This sensor is cheap, small, and reliable for temperature and humidity projects. The DHT 11 works well with all microcontrollers for Arduino to ESPs. This post will review how to use this sensor in projects. How to add the DHT 11 library in Arduino … Read more

I2C communication between microcontrollers

I2C communication

I2C communication refers to the transfer of data between two devices. It stands for Inter-Integrated Circuit. It is a protocol that aids the communication/data transfer between two microcontrollers or components. For example, I2C technology is used in robotics to control all the different parts and aspects of the robot. Most electronic devices today make use … Read more

Interfacing I2C LCD with ESp8266

I2C featured image

ESP8266 has become a common component for building IOT-capable devices. The I2C display module is a popular I2C technology that makes interfacing devices easier. It stands for Inter-Integrated Circuit. ESP8266’s popularity has made it important to be able to interface Display to it as it is one of the most commonly used microcontrollers. The information … Read more